A New Year's denture resolution, Part 2
BY BROCK VANDOR - January 8, 2020
How can you tell right away if someone has a partial denture? Well a sure sign is when you can see metal hooks when they smile.
What is the main reason a partial denture is loose and gets food underneath? It’s because the metal hooks can’t hold on to the teeth sufficiently to keep it secure.
Well what if we just replaced the unsightly metal hooks with some sort of clear clasp that people didn’t see when one smiled and also held the denture more securely?
Of course that would be just fantastic, and I used to think that it was just a wish; but now I can tell you that those clear claps exist and they indeed are actually amazing! The results truly speak for themselves, and as soon as a patient puts the new partial with the clear clasps in there mouth, they can tell right away that they not only look way better than metal, but they fit much more securely as well.
Actually, one of our wonderful patients, Jane, just received her new partial with clear clasps on the day I’m writing this, and she was more than happy to share with you what they are like, and even confident enough to take a picture with me! “My old partial was loose, it jumped around and food would get underneath. This new one feels so secure and it looks invisible in my mouth, it’s just so natural looking… I am so happy with it, thank you!”
These clear clasps can work with almost all mouth shapes and sizes, and make an especially big difference in tightness when someone only has there lower front natural teeth left.
If you would like to find out if clear clasps would work for you, just give us a call and schedule a free consultation. We are happy to help!